Necessity Still Breeds Ingenuity - Archive of SQUALL MAGAZINE 1992-2006

Dress Up For Your Rights

Seven hour costumed march from Morpeth to Newcastle, as activists say 'Stop The Terrorism Bill'!

23rd March 2000

On Monday 27th March activists from all over the region will be walking from the grave of North East suffragette, Emily Davison, in Morpeth, to the statue of Nineteenth Century radical newspaper editor, Joseph Cowen, in Mewcastle, to protest against the introduction of the new Terrorism Bill.

This Bill, which has gone largely unnnoticed, will turn turn many legitimate protestors into 'terrorists', and clamp down on people supporting freedom and justice in other countries - even supporters of Nelson Mandela (now an honorary freeman of the City of Newcastle), would have been called 'terrorists' had this Bill been introduced 20 years ago!

The protestors, including ex-miners, the Green Party, anti-genetics activists and local solidarity campaigns, will colourfully highlight the links between the radical past and present in the region and the continuing struggle against laws which continue to errode civil liberties in the UK. Most will be costumed to represent the groups - past and present - which will be classifiable as 'terrorists' under this new Bill, inlcuding:

Protestors againgst GM foods
Anti-apartheid movement
Miners and other sacked workers
1930s hunger strikers
Human rights campaigners
Zapatista support groups
East Timor Support groups
Cuban solidarity groups
and many more......

Timetable for the event: 9.00 Protestors gather at the grave of Emily Davison, Morpeth. March started off by the Norht-East's first Green Party Councillor, Dr. Nic Best.

4.00 Arrive in Newcastle. Finish at the statue of Joseph Cowen at the Tyne. Theatre. Welcome by Newcastle Councillor, Nigel Todd.

** Contact NEEGP Press Officer (below) OR 0797 4791841 (mobile) on the day**